Sunday 3 April 2011

Weekend Trip to Melbourne

Over the weekend, I took a trip with my friends Sarah and Kate to Melbourne. If you ever happen to be in the area, you should definitely check it out. Melbourne is truly different than Hobart, which I have become quite used to. The only way I can think of to describe it is to say that it's almost exactly what you see in movies of big cities. Quite fast paced and a tad crazy.

These first two photos are the views from the balcony of my hostel room. 

This is the Museum of Moving Pictures. The super cool thing about this building is that there are marquees on the side of it!! 

This is Flinders St. Station. We caught a train here and went to Prahran. It was awesome. 

View from the lovely river walk

These last two photos were from the casino in Melbourne.  

Yeah, these guys are real. 

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